I’m back…

It’s been more than 2 month since I returned from Chicago, and I was thinking about this post since I started my blog.
I wanna wright in English to show to everyone how it’s possible to improve your English in 3 months.
When I arrived in Chicago my English wasn’t so bad, in fact, my English was pretty good, I started the classes at Kaplan International Colleges in a High Intermediate Level, what means that in at least 8 weeks I probably would be able to start an Advanced class with more conversation and less grammar.
My first impression was that I was ready to face this adventure, specially living with an American family. They were so nice with me, and since the beginning I could understand they and they could understand me.
I was afraid of don’t understand them specially about the rules in the house, but it was easy.
At the school the first month was with a lot of Brazilians, there was a group of 25 Brazilians that went to Chicago to study just for 1 month, and I think this didn’t help me at the beginning. It was hard to stay far from the Brazilians because they were almost half of the school.
After this first month I started to do different things like going out with the students from the school, from another countries and this was the best thing I did. I highly recommend to everyone who’s planning to study abroad to do this, the experience with people from another places and specially the practice of the English worth every minute.
This was when I started to improve my English. Even if the other students aren’t in the same level as you, you will learn something different for sure.
Another good thing to do is talk with the teachers and the staff from the school. Every day at Kaplan they have different activities for the students and it’s nice to do some of this activities to improve your speaking and comprehension.

I think this is the first “letter” that I write without thinking about mistakes, even if there is some mistakes here, but I’m confident about my English and I don’t wanna stop now, I still think that I have a lot to learn and I think that if I stop now I will forget a lot of things that I learned in this 3 months in Chicago.
I found an English teacher from Chicago here in my city, and I’m waiting for her to start the classes, now will be conversation classes with another students.

Now that I return, this blog will change a little bit, but sometimes I will talk about my experience in Chicago and another places and if anyone have any question about this experience, feel free to ask.
Thank’s everyone that followed me till now, and I hope you enjoy the blog from now on.
Best wishes.
Filipi Neves.

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Uma resposta para “I’m back…

  • juliana

    Nossa adorei seu blog.. estou indo para Chicago agora em abril… acho q vou pegar frio,né!! rsrs
    bem, vou ficar em casa de familia e estudar na kaplan too, mais na unidade do centro…fiquei muito feliz com sua experiencia, e espero ter muitas coisas boas para contar qd voltar…


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